среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The cookies cannot identify you. In spite of our age we are 20 , we proved that we are able to make music in a mature way. Can you describe your sound in few words? Our dream is to share the mood and the feelings of our music with hundreds of people, to create a special connection with them, to make ourselves sure that people listen to us because we are doing something good, something cool, something with a message. kingshouters jane

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We are planning our tour dates for the next months: Kinyshouters these two years, the band played in many live shows, and was the opening act for band like Marlene Kunts, Lo Stato Sociale and J-Ax.

What has been the hardest part of being in the music industry for you? When Paolo Ceresoli joined the band inthey eventually reached a more definite and complete identity.

kingshouters jane

Everything started about years ago, when the brothers Bob and Leo singer and drummer of the band discovered their love for music, and began to jnae together untilwhen the project Kingshouters slowly took its form. To find our little place in its huge and messy universe.

kingshouters jane

If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Moreover, we are working on new amazing stuff and thinking about a next album. Can you describe your sound in few words?

Kingshouters - Jane () | IMVDb

Could you briefly describe the music-making process? The cookies cannot identify you.

kingshouters jane

What this the idea behind the sultry video? We played in a club near Milan.

Jane is a girl who lives behind hundreds of masks. IVA - Area Riservata. First of all, our parents: What are your dreams and goals? Our dream is to share the mood and the feelings of our music with hundreds of people, to create a special connection with them, to make ourselves sure that people listen to us because we are doing something good, something cool, something with a message.

Usually, in our music-making process the first step is the instrumental one: What was the last gig you played, what did you think of it? This was a thrust in writing songs to be collected in an album while gaining experience in live concerts.

Leonardo and Roberto De Franceschi. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website and to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic.


Having the same taste in music, the two brothers started to create and experiment the idea of what they wanted their band to be. The original members of the band were the drummer and the guitar player, both friends and brothers: Who has helped you the most get to where you are today? How did you start and when? Due to the victory in the latter, the band took a new and important personal and professional path, working on and recording their first album with Michele Clivati guitar player and producer of Nena and the Superyeahs, who also produced Dolcenera, Denise, Francesco Sarcina and many others.

Bass, Leonardo De Franceschi: Once again they felt the need of a new member kingshiuters order to make their sound more complete and powerful. In spite of our age we are 20we proved that we are able to make knigshouters in a mature way.

The shape of brotherhood in the history of rock has always been a real inspiration to us: On November their second videoclip Jane came out on Playboy.

‎You vs. Me by Kingshouters on Apple Music

If you do not agree, you must discontinue using the Website and all services and features therein. What inspired you to make kingshoiters together? This is the dream, but also the goal.

We kicked some ass!

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