суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


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The "Lite" version was effectively discontinued after the distribution on which it was based — Ubuntu 9. For other uses, see Shebang Unix. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: RequestPolicy — Be in control of which cross-site requests are allowed. I added the Liquorix kernel, and it works great too. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Would be nice if somebody could check if I set this up correctly, because I'm not quite sure how the Pin-Priority works Post as a guest Name. Logically, the current stable version of! In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table.

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NoScript allows executable web content such as JavaScript, Java, Flash, Silverlight, and other plugins only if the site hosting it is considered trusted by its user and has been previously added to a whitelist. Go ahead and install any of the software available that you want within smxi, and make sure to cruhchbang every prompt, and check for the proprietary video graphics driver for your kernel you want to install on your system.

Bare metal restore is not only the best solution for hardware failure, it is also the ultimate antivirus: Tested and considered to be probably the best plugin out of all the other similar plugins available for this kind of task. If you would like to see another Debian ARM port supported, file a request here.

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CrunchBang 10, made available in Februarywas the first version based on Debian. It will also allow you to import preconfigured blocklists to stop tracker web sites from monitoring your browser presence.

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dirdct Keylogger Beater — Use it to keep your username or password from being stolen by a keylogger. Even if your hard drive melts or gets completely erased by a virus, you can have a completely-functional system back up and running in as little as 10 minutes.

CrunchBang Linux - Wikipedia

While the distro does a pretty good job at presenting a working environment out of the box, it strips away certain bling-bling features the average desktop user has come to expect from a distribution.

If you get a warning for unhide. Keep My Opt-Outs — Permanently opts your browser out of online ad personalization via cookies. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. How do we handle problem users?

Sign up using Email and Password. For more info about smxi: It also allows querying custom information services by IP right click and hostname left clicklike whois, netcraft, etc. Here are the settings that worked best for my Crunchbang Waldorf system: Adjust the values according to your preferances.

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Now ddirect may want to add more repositories to your source. Please refer to the table below. StickerYou is your one-stop shop to make your business stick! Major packages only 52 All tracked packages To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.

SafeBrowser — Sends the url of the currently selected tab to Google Safe Browsing to retrieve some malware results of that domain SaferChrome — SaferChrome makes browsing safer by identifying and preventing security and privacy breaches.

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